Author: Ani.
Editor: David Thomas M. Ed (TESOL), Learning & Curriculum Trainer @EfeX Center
Our lives can be likened to a garden. In nature, plants depend on factors they cannot control: rain, soil quality, sunshine, and the right temperatures. Fortunately, as humans, we can create a healthy environment and can make adjustments when we need to.
A beautiful, fruitful garden starts with preparing healthy soil and good seeds. The gardener makes sure the seeds receive adequate water, the right nutrients and fertilizers, and proper sun exposure.
The gardener also eliminates weeds and pests, and thins out the plants to guard against overcrowding. Once the seedlings are well established, the gardener prunes the plants as they grow.
How do we apply these gardening elements to developing our own lives? Let's find out.
See you tomorrow for A Minute of Positivity with EfeX!
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