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GeneralQ:What is First Language Program? A: EfeX First Language Program is a curriculum designed to be a journey of learning English as a First Language learner. Please refer to our Program section for more detail. Q: How long is the length of each class? A: For basic and early phonics, each class will be 60 minutes long. Beginning from Integrated English (IE) level 1 to 3, each class will be 1 hour, and IE level 4 and above is 1 hour and 15 minutes Q: How does Efex divide the terms? A: Efex terms are divided as follows: -January – March -April – June -July – September -October – December We have a longer break during end of June and December. We may adjust the length and the start or end of each term according to public holiday, especially during Lebaran/Idul Fitri. Q: How are teachers selected? A: Teachers are hired through a selection from high quality candidates to ensure that we have the best educators for your children. Teachers must demonstrate a high proficiency in English, a passion in teaching, and the heart for the children. Q: How are the EfeX classes categorized? A: Phonics Early Phonics 1-2 Basic Phonics 1-3 Integrated English - Level 1-8 9A Writing 9B Public Speaking 9C IBT TOEFL 9D Research Writing 10A British Literature Classic Movie critique 10B British Literature Shakespeare’s play 10C-D SAT preparation Q: How is material selected? A: Our material is selected through a careful process that aims to improve students’ English skill. We choose novels that are suitable for the age group so that children will not have difficulty in understanding the stories. As for grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening, we develop our curriculum so that it every module will create a building block to prepare our students for the higher level. Q: What type of material does EfeX focus on in each level? A: For Phonics, we focus on the sound of letters so that children are better prepared to read in English. We want children to be excited to learn through games, songs, and many other fun activities. Starting from Level 1, we focus more on novel comprehension, grammar and vocabulary as we want to develop critical thinking and creativity as early as possible.
PhonicsQ: How do EfeX manage the phonics program? A: Phonics program is divided into 2, Early Phonics and Basic Phonics. Early phonics level 1-2 focuses on letter sounds, 3 letter words, and short vowel words. Basic Phonics level 1-3, we introduce 3 and 4 letter short vowel words, letter-cluster words, 2 vowel and silent-e words. Q: What is the difference between Early Phonics and Basic phonics? A: Early Phonics is for children in kindergarten level A (KG A), whereas Basic Phonics is for Kindergarten level B (KG B). The level of each child will be determined by the entrance test, so it is possible that a KGB child may be placed in Early Phonics or Grade 1 students enter Basic Phonics Q: How old should my children be to enter Early Phonics? A: We recommend children start when they are 4 years old, as we believe that they are mature enough to handle class situations, understand and receive instruction from teachers. Q: Is it necessary for my children to take Phonics? A: We believe it’s very important for children to take phonics as early as possible, beginning the age of 4. Please kindly refer to our Phonics section for more explanation.
RegistrationQ: When can students register? A: Students can register anytime between terms for the next term intake. Let’s say students want to start on April –June term, they can register anytime between January - March. Please give some time to take the placement tests so that we can prepare everything before student enters EfeX. Q: How do we register? A: Please come to our nearest branch and fill up the registration form. After that, the child must take an English placement test before entering the course. The result of the test will determine what level the child will be. The grade level in school does not necessarily reflect the grade level in EfeX. Our leveling is based on American standards. A child who is in 5th grade in regular school may be placed in level 3 (grade 3 in U.S.) at EfeX. Q: I’m on waiting list. Now what? A: We are sorry for the inconvenience if your child is in waiting list. Sometimes current available classes are full and we have to accumulate more students to open a new one. We will inform you as soon as classes become available. Thank you for your patience. Q: How much is the tuition fee? What are the administration and entrance test fees? A: Please contact us directly through phone (031) 596-3417, (031)739-3515 or email us directly at For more information, please kindly refer to Contact Us section and give us a call. Thank you. Q: What are the levels in EfeX? A: Children can start as early as Early Phonics and Basic Phonics. Starting from level 1, it will be divided into 4 sub levels, which is A to D. There are a total of 13 levels in EfeX. Some classes such as TOEFL and SAT are intended for students who want to study abroad. After successful completion of levels (iBT/IELTS) and 11D, the EfeX student will receive an EfeX Certificate of Completion.
Integrated EnglishQ: What type of material does IE focus on? A: Starting from Level 1, we focus more on novel comprehension, grammar and vocabulary as we want to develop critical thinking and creativity as early as possible. We want to teach children to gain the ability to understand the material instead of memorizing them. From writing essays, creating presentation, to playing drama, these will be useful skills for their future education.
TOEFLQ: How is the TOEFL class conducted? A: Students will practice each part of the TOEFL test, which are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Some parts will be conducted in the computer lab as part of our TOEFL test simulation software. Teachers will discuss the result of each test and will provide strategies on how to handle each part successfully. Teachers will also provide assessment for each student on the parts that need improvement. Q: How many terms cover TOEFL preparation? A: We have 1 class for TOEFL preparation, which is level 9-C. Q: Does EfeX hold TOEFL tests? A: No, we don’t. Please refer to for locations of test centers.
British LiteratureQ: How many terms cover British Literature? A: There are two terms – 10-A and 10-B. Q: What does each term consist of? A: In level 10-A, the students view an award winning British film taken from a famous British literature. They learn about how to critique a classic film as well as how to write a movie review. In 10-B, the students study a Shakespearean play. They read the play, discuss it, and take part in various dramatic activities.
SATQ: How is the SAT class conducted? A: Students will practice the Critical reading and writing parts of the SAT test. Teachers will discuss the result of each test, provide strategies on how to handle each part successfully, and finally provide assessment for each student on the parts that need improvement. Q: How many terms are in the SAT class? A: We have 2 classes for SAT preparation, which are covered in levels 10-C and 10-D
INTO ProgramQ: What is INTO? How does it work? A: INTOâ„¢ University is divided into two directions. Into Direct Entry helps students to enter the university of their choice if students meet the qualification. INTO Pathway prepares students who do not qualify for Direct Entry because of slightly lower GPA and TOEFL/ SAT score to enroll to universities in U.S., China, and U.K. Please refer to our University Studies program page for more information Q: What universities are INTO available for? A: Among the universities in USA are Oregon State University, University of South Florida, Colorado State University, and Marshall University. Please refer to the INTO website for more information to enter universities in U.K. and China.
HomestayQ: What is Homestay? A: EfeX’s homestay program is a unique three-week program for teenagers filled with fun, friendly host families, and fantastic cultural and learning experiences they will never forget. Please refer to our Homestay program page for more information. Q: How long is the homestay program? A: About 4 weeks starting from June to July. Q: How much is the cost? A: The cost will change every year. Please check with us for the latest price. Q: What are the requirements? A:Minimum 13 years old and 7th grade Need to fill out application and be accepted into the program Must own a passport that's still valid for more than 6 months after departure date
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